The Family Forum has organised some guest speakers to join us so please make a note of the dates below and we look forward to seeing you, most likely via Teams. Please do get in touch if you have any other suggestions of support or information you might want or need on:
Hello & Welcome Meet
Thursday 30 Sept 2021, 10.30am
A chance to catch up and see some new and old faces.
Tuesday 5 Oct 2021, 1.30pm
Signal & Lewisham Autism Support
Candida Burrows, Manager of Signal Family Support, a Lewisham based support group which aims ‘to improve the quality of lives of our members and the local Autism Community’ and Catherine Spain, Lead Family Support Service Coordinator from Lewisham Autism Support are joining us to share the support and information on offer from their organisations.
Wednesday 3 Nov 2021, 1.30pm
Occupational Therapy
Brent Knoll’s Occupational Therapist Kathy Kelly will be offering support and advice.
Thursday 25 Nov 2021 9.30am
Mental Health Support Team from Lewisham NHS
The Lewisham MHST work in partnership with the school community and other wellbeing services with a focus on early intervention. They aim to improve access to services and can offer training and workshops for families.
Tuesday 7 Dec 2021 1.30pm
Speech and Language Therapy
Speech and Language Therapists Bridget Yu and Ella McCull, who will shortly be joining Brent Knoll’s Therapy Team, will offer their support and advice. Meeting invites and all further details will be sent out in due course.