Key Stage 1-2 Curriculum
KEy Stage 1-2 Curriculum
The core curriculum provides pupils with a structured, topic-based approach to learning that covers all subjects of the National Curriculum. We support every child as they develop their potential within a learning environment that places communication at the heart of the curriculum.
Cycle 1
Cycle 1 Overview – Chestnut/Willow
Cycle 1 Overview – Sycamore/Hawthorn/Larch
Cycle 2
Mathematics Curriculum
At Brent Knoll School children are nurtured to follow an appropriate, engaging and stimulating Mathematics programme of study. They are supported to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving problems through multi-sensory approaches, age and needs appropriate resources to support learning through a diverse, engaging and flexible curriculum. Staff facilitate each pupil in developing skills of independent learning, whilst understanding the unique and personal learning styles of each pupil to enable them to possess the requisite numeracy skills to participate effectively in further education and employment. Daily lessons are relevant and motivating and involve a high level of structure to support communication, learning and emotional responses. Methods to achieve this include the use of subject specific language when communicating with children through a range of delivery methods. Effective questioning is used to establish understanding and set next steps.
English Curriculum
At Brent Knoll we celebrate our pupils’ differences and have created an adaptable curriculum which encourages teachers to work creatively and flexibly to encourage enthusiasm about English and enable our learners to engage positively with the topics and texts offered to them. We recognise the importance of developing our pupils’ communication skills so that they are empowered to make their voices heard, both within our school and the wider community. Our aim is to give them the skills to support them in becoming active citizens so they can indeed ‘be the best that they can be.’ We want our pupils to be positive about reading, receptive to listening and responding to a wide variety of texts from sensory and picture books to Dracula and Shakespeare. We want them to recognise their achievements and provide them with reading experiences which are engaging, relevant and set them up for success. We aim to make reading an integral part of our daily school routine; recognising the importance of developing functional reading skills along with the role that ‘reading for pleasure’ can play in supporting our pupils in terms of their well-being and communication skills.
Pupils are provided with a rich diet of literature and encouraged to read for learning and pleasure. Our staff is trained in the Sounds-Write reading and spelling phonics programme which forms the basis of phonics and pre-phonics development.
Planning documents are precisely matched to the school’s assessment system.