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Governing Body

The Governors oversee the running of the school, which is carried out by the School Leadership Team. Governors have an executive role in policy development, the appointment of the headteacher and the hearing of appeals from both staff and parents. The efficient management of the governing body consists of three main committees. These committees focus on the areas of:

  • Resources
  • Children, families and community
  • Teaching and learning

All decisions made by these committees must be ratified by the main governing body.

The Governing Body can be contacted at:


Instrument of Government 

The members of the governing body are:


Governing Body Meeting Minutes

 The minutes of the latest Governing Body meeting can be seen by clicking on the links below:

 Governing Body Meeting Minutes 27-09-2023

 Governing Body Meeting Minutes 21-06-2023

 Governing Body Meeting Minutes 22-03-2023

 The minutes of earlier meetings can be seen by contacting the school office.


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