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Phoenix Community Housing Grant


Good News ! The Brent Knoll and Watergate Co-operative Trust is lucky enough to be one of the organisations short-listed by Phoenix Community Housing for a possible grant from their Community Chest this summer. This would enable us to run the two week holiday programme at both Brent Knoll and Watergate schools during the summer holidays. Having the financial resources to provide holiday activities for our children and young people would be fantastic, but we are not there yet.

We need your help ! As part of this process there is a festival – please see details below.

It is a fun day and free for all to attend. At the end of the day the winners of the money will be announced. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!! The award of the grant is decided on the basis of voting by Phoenix Housing residents- and this is where we need your help to muster support! If you are living in Phoenix housing please do vote for our holiday project – and please encourage all of your friends and neighbours to do the same. You can vote on the day at the festival ; by tenants’ voting forms sent out directly by Phoenix or online at

The online voting is already open. Please do give the Trust your support and spread the word as widely as you can- our children deserve this chance to enjoy two weeks of holiday fun.

Thank you

Brent Knoll and Watergate Trust