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Trust Forum Meeting


Dear Families

You may be aware that Brent Knoll is in a Co-Operative Trust with Watergate school and that we have raised funding to support the provision of holiday clubs for young people with SEND as well as providing help to families through food parcels during the pandemic.

We will be holding a Trust Forum meeting on June 15th at 7pm to encourage membership of the forum. I have linked some documents below to give you more information and Amandas Ong, a journalist who wrote an article for Aljazeera about the work of the Trust, has produced a video illustrating the Trusts intentions and principles and I would urge you to spend a few minutes watching the video and I have provided a link here. If you didn’t catch the article that she wrote I have provided a link here.

Within the letter below there is a link to a form which invites you to become a member of the Trust as well as providing details about attendance at the Forum event which will be held virtually. Simply complete the form and the Trust will be in touch in due course to provide details for joining the meeting.

Thanks for taking the time to watch and read the documentation.