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Year 11 Student standing for Young Mayor of Lewisham


We are very proud to announce that Jade, one of our year 11 students will be a candidate standing for election in this year’s Young Mayor of Lewisham Election.

Anyone aged between 11–17 years who lives, works or studies in Lewisham can vote in the young mayor election. Everyone in a secondary school or sixth form college is allowed to vote in a polling station at their school or college on polling day and is given a ballot paper and asked to cast their vote for first and second choices for young mayor.

Jade will be speaking at Brent Knoll School and some other Lewisham schools about her manifesto and her plans for Lewisham should she be voted the young mayor. You can read more about the election and read all of the candidate’s manifestos by visiting the Lewisham Council website.

Jade young mayor