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World Autism Awareness Week


Listen to Talia Grant, autistic actor in Hollyoaks, talk about the challenges she’s faced at school in the past, ways teachers and students can help autistic classmates and her favourite things about being autistic.

Unfortunately due to current circumstances the World Autism Awareness Day Assembly is cancelled. We hope to be able to reschedule for a later date.

It is World Autism Awareness Week 30 March – 5 April and we are getting involved this year on Thursday 2 April.

The Assistant Educational Psychologist has been working with a selected group of students to gain their views about being autistic. The students have contributed to group discussion and their work will be displayed in school.

We would like to invite you to an assembly on Thursday 2 April at 9.30am to share with you the ‘Pupils’ Voice’ on how their perspectives have helped them to acknowledge their strengths as well as their challenges, and allows staff to know them even better. We are hoping to have contributions from past students too.

In addition a pupil voice toolkit is being developed for use with individuals, groups or whole-school work and provides examples for how this could be used in matters relating to pupils’ learning and well-being.

We do hope you can join us.