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New School Prayer


The school has been working towards embedding our vision to ‘Be the best that we can be’ underpinned by our values of kindness, respect, honesty, responsibility and fairness. We had four prayers drafted to include the vision and values and after much deliberation and discussion the overwhelming majority of staff and pupils decided upon the following version.


Here in our school

Let us treat one another with kindness and respect.

Let us help one another to be honest – with others and with ourselves.

Let us trust one another to be fair and to take responsibility for our actions

Knowing that by working together we can

Be the best that we can be


At our Friday afternoon weekly assembly, where we celebrate the achievement that pupils have made over the week, share work done by classes or reflect upon issues form the world around us the end is marked by the whole school community reciting the prayer to remind us of our vision and the values that underpin achieving it.