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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to you all from everyone at Brent Knoll School. We hope you all had an enjoyable holiday time and wish you and everyone a peaceful new year. We are looking forward to our first full year in our new building. Late last term the new Executive Director of Children and Young People visited the school for the first time and pronounced herself very impressed with the building and the specialist facilities. We are continuing to invite anyone who has not yet had the chance to look around the building to have a guided tour, please contact the school office to book an appointment. At the end of last term we were delighted to see so many of you at our special achievements assembly when we celebrated the opening of the new school and the many of achievements of our young people. We also held two Christmas music performances, one by the primary pupils followed by a secondary music performance, both were very well attended and enjoyed by everyone there. This term we are hoping to enter our Makaton Choir in the Lewisham Live music performance evening at the Broadway Theatre, fingers crossed and watch this space!